The Legacy of Mel-Est
He is one of five brothers who milked cows in this barn. He is a salt of the earth type of a guy; Great customer; An integral part of this farm and family; The son of Melvin and Esther. The Letters in the roof stood for my mom and dad's name, Melvin and Esther. We had a registered dairy cattle herd and every prefix on every name started with Mel - Est. It's just a matter of part of the history here. That was the iconic thing of the whole barn. Every day, the family always was together here working. When you have a dairy herd, there's a lot of work to be done and so there was plenty of work to go around for all of us. And basically, we don't say that we were born in a barn, but we were raised in a barn because that's where the family spent most of their day. The barn, Joe, was built in 1962. I would have been six years, seven years old. I miss the routine, having something to get up for every day. The hard work, the 14 and 16 hour days not so much. To put the roof on, it was just a matter that so many of the neighbors and friends said, oh, don't tear it down. That's been a part of the landscape here in our area forever. So that's when I decided to go ahead and reroof it. It all looks really, really good.